It’s impossible to say who invented roulette and when. The true origins are hidden under centuries-old layers of history. roulette has, according to various sources, from several hundred to thousands of years. There are interesting theories of its origin, but they have no documentary evidence. Now you can play roulette on SlotV casino online, but before it was quite different.
The stages of the emergence of roulette
Even under Emperor Augustus, the Romans were guessing at the spinning round disk fixed to a vertical pin, and cast lots on it. The ancient Greeks used a shield of the round form, which was fixed on the edge of the sword. Natives of North America drew a circle on the ground, set a spinner with an arrow in the middle and guessed in this way.
The Chinese theory
About a thousand years ago, Tibetan monks invented the game principle. The round playing field was divided into 666 squares, and on the edge there were 37 statuettes of different kinds of animals. The game was called “Magic Field”. The Dominican monks adopted the idea and made their own changes. Statuettes of animals along the edge of the wheel were replaced by numbers: 0-36. So, roulette became like a modern prototype.

French version
In 17th century France, the first gaming houses were opened, and there is a mention of the original version of roulette – the game was called “Hoka”. In the center of the playing field with forty numbered cells was a spinning wheel with spokes, where the ball was thrown. During the rotation, it rolled down the spokes in one of the cells. Three of them were marked as “zeros.” According to another legend, the story of roulette comes from an ancient pastime – “Chet nedet” or “Bull”. It involved a large fixed bowl with digital markings inside, and the ball rotated along its edge. 40 holes were painted in two colors, on even holes winning went in favor of players, and when the ball hits the odd, all the money went to the institution.
Who came up with the roulette
One of the famous versions is the invention of roulette by mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Developing the “perpetuum mobile”, the inventor conducted experiments with the wheel and the ball. Pascal did not achieve the original goal, but the glory of the creator of the main props game he got. The second leading role in the promotion of roulette belongs to the Chief of the French City Police Gabriel de Sartine. In the XVIII century the country was flooded with card cheats. In 1765, he developed a fascinating gambling game with a spinning wheel – roulette. It was to become an alternative to card games and help in desperate struggle against fraudsters.
How did roulette develop
Under Catherine II in Russia roulette tables became so popular that they were not only decorated with luxurious palace halls, but also placed even in the kitchen. Roulette quickly conquered gambling establishments in France. But the revolution of 1789 stopped this movement. The government of the Republic banned gambling. In 1842, the Blanc brothers added a new sector of roulette called “Zero”. In 1861, a casino appeared in Monaco. And after the closure of European gambling houses in 1873 it became the capital of gambling business. In the XIX century with French immigrants wheel of fortune gets to America. In the USA, the game became popular during the gold rush. The American version used 31 cells instead of 37, and soon there was a double “zero”.
The results of our days
Thanks to the unpretentious simplicity of the wheel of fortune has quickly conquered the world. At the end of the 20th century, there were electronic sensors to control the rotation of the wheel. Thus, possible machinations by the staff of the institution were suppressed. Even with the advent of slot machines, which you can find at, this game remains one of the most popular. In short, the wheel of fortune will long spin in all casinos around the world.